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Student Health Center Usc

  • Introduction: Overview of USC's Student Health Center
  • Services offered: A comprehensive list of medical services provided to students
  • Health and wellness programs: Details about programs focused on promoting overall health and wellness, such as stress management and nutrition courses
  • Immunizations: Information about required immunizations for students and how the Student Health Center can assist with obtaining them
  • Health insurance: Details about USC's health insurance requirement for students and resources for finding the best coverage options
  • Appointments: Instructions on how to schedule appointments with medical professionals at the Student Health Center
  • Emergency care: Information about how to receive emergency medical assistance on-campus and important phone numbers to have on hand
  • Location and hours: Details about where the Student Health Center is located and hours of operation
  • Resources for mental health: Information about resources available to students for mental health support, including counseling services and support groups
  • Insurance and billing: Information about billing and insurance policies at the Student Health Center and how to handle payments


The Student Health Center at USC is a comprehensive healthcare facility that provides a wide range of medical services to students. Whether it's a common cold or a more serious health issue, the Student Health Center is equipped to handle it all. The center also offers various programs and resources to promote overall health and wellness for students.

Services offered:

The Student Health Center offers several medical services, including primary care, women's health, mental health, and sports medicine. The primary care services include diagnosis and treatment of acute illnesses, management of chronic conditions, and preventive care such as physical exams and health screenings. Women's health services include gynecological care, contraception counseling, and STI testing. Mental health services offer individual counseling, group therapy, and crisis intervention. Sports medicine services provide evaluation and treatment of sports-related injuries.

Health and wellness programs:

The Student Health Center offers various programs and resources to promote overall health and wellness for students. These programs include stress management courses, nutrition counseling, and fitness classes. The center also hosts events throughout the year to educate students on healthy habits and lifestyles.


USC requires students to have certain immunizations before attending classes. The Student Health Center can assist with obtaining these immunizations and maintaining records of them. In addition, the center provides immunizations for the flu, HPV, and other diseases.

Health insurance:

USC requires all students to have health insurance. The Student Health Center offers a student health insurance plan that meets the university's requirements. However, students are also free to choose their own insurance plan if it meets USC's standards. The center provides resources for finding the best coverage options.


To schedule an appointment with a medical professional at the Student Health Center, students can call or use the online appointment system. Same-day appointments are often available for urgent medical needs. Students can also schedule appointments for mental health services.

Emergency care:

In case of an emergency on-campus, students should call USC Public Safety at 213-740-4321 or dial 911. The Student Health Center does not provide emergency medical services but can assist with referrals and follow-up care.

Location and hours:

The Student Health Center is located on the University Park Campus in Engemann Student Health Center. The center is open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 5pm. During the fall and spring semesters, the center is also open on Saturdays from 9am to 12pm.

Resources for mental health:

The Student Health Center provides several resources for mental health support, including individual counseling, group therapy, and support groups. The center also hosts events and workshops to promote mental health awareness and education. In addition, the center offers crisis intervention services for students in need of urgent assistance.

Insurance and billing:

The Student Health Center accepts several insurance plans, including the student health insurance plan offered by USC. Students are responsible for paying any copays or deductibles associated with their insurance plan. The center also offers a payment plan option for students who need assistance with payment. Students can view their billing statements and pay their bills online through the student health portal.


The Student Health Center at USC is an essential resource for students' healthcare needs. From medical services to health and wellness programs, the center provides a comprehensive approach to student health. With its convenient location and flexible hours, the center is easily accessible to all students. The center's commitment to promoting mental health and well-being makes it a valuable asset to the USC community.

People Also Ask

What services are provided at the Student Health Center?

The Student Health Center provides a range of services, including medical care, mental health services, pharmacy services, and health education programs.

Who is eligible to use the Student Health Center?

All currently enrolled USC students are eligible to use the Student Health Center.

Do I need an appointment to visit the Student Health Center?

Appointments are recommended, but walk-ins are also accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Is there a fee for services at the Student Health Center?

Most services at the Student Health Center are covered by the student health fee, which is included in tuition. However, there may be additional fees for certain services or procedures.