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Eye Health Center Of Troy

  • Introduction to Eye Health Center of Troy
  • Services Offered at Eye Health Center of Troy
  • Comprehensive Eye Exams
  • Contact Lens Fitting and Evaluation
  • Glaucoma Testing and Treatment
  • Cataract Evaluation and Surgery
  • Corneal Mapping and Analysis
  • Treatment of Ocular Diseases and Conditions
  • Consultations for LASIK and Other Vision Correction Surgeries
  • Pediatric Eye Care

Introduction to Eye Health Center of Troy

The Eye Health Center of Troy is a state-of-the-art eye care facility located in Troy, Michigan. The center specializes in providing comprehensive eye care services to patients of all ages. Their team of highly trained and experienced professionals is committed to providing exceptional care and ensuring that each patient receives the attention they deserve.

Services Offered at Eye Health Center of Troy

The Eye Health Center of Troy offers a wide range of services to meet the needs of their patients. From comprehensive eye exams to treatment of ocular diseases and conditions, the center has everything you need to maintain healthy eyesight. Here are some of the services offered:

Comprehensive Eye Exams

A comprehensive eye exam is the first step in maintaining healthy eyesight. At the Eye Health Center of Troy, their team of optometrists and ophthalmologists perform thorough eye exams to assess your vision and identify any potential problems that may exist. They use the latest diagnostic technology to ensure accurate results and provide personalized treatment plans to meet your individual needs.

Contact Lens Fitting and Evaluation

If you wear contact lenses, it's essential to have them fitted properly to ensure optimal comfort and clear vision. The Eye Health Center of Troy offers contact lens fitting and evaluation services to help you find the right lenses for your specific needs. Their team will assess your eyes and provide recommendations based on your lifestyle and vision requirements.

Glaucoma Testing and Treatment

Glaucoma is a serious condition that can lead to permanent vision loss if left untreated. The Eye Health Center of Troy offers glaucoma testing and treatment services to help prevent this from happening. They use advanced diagnostic tools to detect glaucoma early and provide personalized treatment plans to manage the condition effectively.

Cataract Evaluation and Surgery

Cataracts are a common age-related condition that can cause vision loss. The Eye Health Center of Troy offers cataract evaluation and surgery services to help restore vision and improve your quality of life. Their experienced team of eye surgeons uses the latest techniques and technology to perform safe and effective cataract surgery.

Corneal Mapping and Analysis

The cornea is the clear, outermost layer of the eye that helps focus light onto the retina. Corneal mapping and analysis is an essential tool used to diagnose and treat a variety of eye conditions. The Eye Health Center of Troy uses advanced corneal mapping and analysis technology to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment of corneal disorders.

Treatment of Ocular Diseases and Conditions

There are many ocular diseases and conditions that can affect your eyesight and overall eye health. The Eye Health Center of Troy offers a comprehensive range of treatment options to manage these conditions effectively. They work closely with each patient to develop personalized treatment plans that meet their unique needs and help preserve their vision.

Consultations for LASIK and Other Vision Correction Surgeries

LASIK and other vision correction surgeries can be life-changing for those who struggle with glasses or contact lenses. The Eye Health Center of Troy offers consultations for these procedures to help you determine if they're right for you. Their experienced team will assess your eyes and provide recommendations based on your individual needs and goals.

Pediatric Eye Care

Children's eyes are still developing, which makes it essential to take special care of their eye health. The Eye Health Center of Troy offers pediatric eye care services to ensure that your child's eyes are healthy and developing correctly. Their team of pediatric specialists uses specialized tools and techniques to assess your child's vision and provide personalized treatment plans when needed.


The Eye Health Center of Troy is a comprehensive eye care facility that offers a wide range of services to meet the needs of their patients. Their team of experienced professionals is committed to providing exceptional care and ensuring that each patient receives the attention they deserve. Whether you need a routine eye exam or treatment for a more serious condition, the Eye Health Center of Troy has everything you need to maintain healthy eyesight. Contact them today to schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions about Eye Health Center Of Troy

What services do you offer?

We offer comprehensive eye exams, contact lens fittings, eyeglasses and frames, as well as treatment for eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration.

Do you accept insurance?

Yes, we accept most major insurance plans. Please contact us to verify if we accept your insurance.

How often should I get an eye exam?

It is recommended to have a comprehensive eye exam every one to two years, or as recommended by your eye doctor.

Can I order contact lenses online?

Yes, you can order contact lenses online through our website. However, we recommend that you have a current contact lens prescription and have had a recent eye exam before ordering online.